Working-level Workshop 공유 페이스북 X 인쇄 2015 2019-10-17 Write Admin File Overview Date : May 20(Wed.) – 22(Fri.), 2015 Venue : Hotel Hyundai Gyeongju, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, area of Pohang ‧ Gyeongju Participants: 83 attendees (35 regional governments of 5 countries) 워크숍 개요 Country Regional Governments (No.) No. of Participants Notes Total 35 83 China 6 13 Gansu Province (Observer): 3 participants Japan 3 9 Korea 12 20 Mongolia 11 18 Russia 3 6 Secretariat 17 Host/Organizer: The Secretariat of North East Asia Regional Governments Major Content Explanation on the progress result of major businesses in 2014 and on the business projects in 2015 Special lecture (Theme: Creating an ‘Empathetic Community’ and the Era of Harmony in Northeast Asia Presentations on promotions of NEAR regional governments Presentations · discussions on the introduction of membership fee and for the activation methods on subcommittees by NEAR regional governments Local tour (POSCO, Seokguram‧Bulguksa)) Main Events by Date 일자별 주요행사 Date Major Events Notes Day 1: May 20 (Wed.) Registration Day 2: May 21 (Thu.) Working-level Workshop, visit to POSCO, official dinner Day 3: May 22 (Fri.) Tour to Seokguram‧Bulguksa Outcomes of Major Events Special Lecture Lecturer: Son Ki-young, Prof. of Korea Univ., Korea Topic: Creating an ‘Empathetic Community’ and the Era of Harmony in Northeast Asia Presentations on promotions of NEAR regional governments China Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Opportunity of New Development and Cooperation of Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region) Shandong Province (Holding of NEAR Subcommittee on Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2015) Japan Toyama Prefecture (Report of the Subcommittee on Environment) Korea Daegu Metropolitan City (Introduction of Daegu Medical Cluster) Daejeon Metropolitan City (Introduction of World Technopolis Association) Chungcheongbuk-do (Holding of 2015 Goesan International Organic EXPO) Jeollanam-do Province (Holding of International Agriculture Exhibition 2015, World Bamboo Fair Damyang korea 2015) Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (Holding of the 11th Subcommittee on Economy‧Trade) Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (Holding of 2015 Mungyeong Korea, Military World Games) Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (Silk Road Cultural Festival in Gyeongju 2015) Mongolia Umnugovi Province (Introduction of Umnugovi Province) Ulaanbaatar City (Introduction to the Current State of Ulaanbaatar City) Russia Irkutsk Region (Holding of the 10th NEAR Working Committee) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Holding of NEAR Subcommittee on Sports 2015) Presentations · discussions on ‘Introduction of NEAR membership fee’ and ‘Activation Methods on Subcommittee’ Introduction of NEAR membership fee (presentations · discussions, summarize results) Activation methods of Subcommittees (presentations · discussions, summarize results) ※ Outcomes on feedback, presentations and discussions on the main contents: enclosure Local Tour POSCO(Pohang Iron & Steel Company Ltd.) Seokguram, Bulguksa Pictures of Major Events PDF Download Sourcebook of NEAR Working-level Workshop 2015 Next 2016 Prev 2014 List