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무라이 요시히로(村井 嘉浩)

  • CountryJapan
  • GovernmentMiyagi Prefecture
  • GovernorMURAI Yoshihiro


미야기현 현장



미야기현 현목



미야기현 현조



미야기현 현화


Bush Clover

미야기현 현수(동물)




  • Growth of Miyagi Prefecture
    Miyagi Prefecture, along with Fukushima and Iwate Prefectures, was known collectively as Mutsu Province about 1300 years ago. Its central government was located in Tagajo Castle. About 400 years ago, Date Masamune built a castle in Sendai and laid the foundations for the Sendai Domain. In the first year of the Meiji era (1867), Sendai surrendered in the Boshin War* and became Sendai Prefecture in the fourth year of the Meiji era before becoming Miyagi Prefecture in the following year. Since then, the prefecture has undergone several abolitions and revisions before attaining its current form in the ninth year of the Meiji era.
  • The Origin of Miyagi
    There is a theory that the prefecture derived its name from the previous county name, Miyagi County. Another theory states that the name Miyagi comes from “miya” which means shrine, such as Shibahiko Shrine and Shiogama Shrine, and “ki” which means castle, such as in Tagajo. In addition, there is a theory that the name originated from “miyake,” which means the area falling under the direct control of the anicent Yamato administration, but the pronunciation later became distorted and became “Miyagi.”
    *Boshin War: a civil war in Japan between forces of the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate and those seeking to return political power to the Imperial Court
    *Abolition of Domains and Establishment of Prefectures: a reorganization of administrative districts in which feudal domains were abolished and prefectures were established, changing the government system from a decentralized one to a centralized one.

Topographic Features

  • Miyagi Prefecture is located approximately 300km northeast of Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east, boasting abundant fishing grounds and the beautiful Matsushima, one of Japan's three most scenic spots. To the west lie Mount Zao, Mount Funagata, and Mount Kurikoma, forming a continuous range that showcase the changing landscape with the seasons. In the central part, the expansive Sendai Plain, known for its fertile farmland, stretches out over many kilometers.

Basic Information

무라이 요시히로(村井 嘉浩) 일반개요
Category Contents
  • Area:7,282.22 km2 (as of October q, 2018)
  • Location:latitude 34°16′07“、 longitude 140°52′19”
  • Climate (Sendai):average temperature13.5℃, annual precipitation 1,209㎜(as of 2016)
  • Population: 2,255,300 persons (as of January 2023)
  • No. of Households:1,035,607 households (as of January 2023)
Major Events
  • January 14
    Don'tosa-i Festival :
    A ceremony where traditional decorations, including ornaments that were used to decorate homes during the Lunar New Year, are brought and burend as a way to pray for happiness in the new year (such as good health and propserous business
    *In Japan, there are special decorations for both the inside and outside of homes during the Lunar New Year.
  • Third Sunday of May and the Day Before
    Sendai・ Aoba Festival : A representative festival that announces the arrival of spring in Sendai On the eve of the festival, called “Yoi Matsuri,” various events take place in Sendai. It starts with Sendai Suzume Odori (Sparrow Dance), and in the evening, a grand procession called “Sendai Yoiyama Boko” takes place, where illuminated floats parade through the streets. Since the 30th festival, the revived “Sendai Kiyari” labor song has also become a must-see attrraction.

    On Sunday, the main event of the festival called, “Sendai Jidai Emaki Junko” is held. It features a magnificent procession of elevent Yamaboko floats and samurai warriors dressed in traditional costumes along the strees of Sendai, which are lined with fresh green zelkova trees.
    Inquiry:Sendai・Aoba Festival Sponsorship Association/ TEL 022-223-8441
  • August 6 - 8
    Sendai Tanabata Matsuri (Sendai Star Festival): A beautiful festival showcasing the world's finest “paper and bamboo” deocrations
    Sendai Tanabata is a traditional event that has been passed down since the time of Date Masamune, the founder of Sendai. Today, it is a festival that not only carries the elegance of the traditional event but also features splendedid and elaborate decorations, gaining nationwide fame.
    Originally, tanabata Matsuri was held nationwide on July 7 according to the lunar calendar. However, in the present-day Japan, which follows the Gregorian calendar, Sendai Tanabata Matsuri is held one month later, from Auguust 6 to 8, to align with the origianl seasonal atmosphere.
    ※Contact:Sendai Tanabata Matsuri Sponsorship Association/ TEL 022-265-8185
Tourist amd Cultural Attractions Matsushima, one of Japan's three most scenic spots, Shiroishi Riverbank Cherry Blossom Gove, Minamisanriku, a scenic shopping street in Miyagi, Meijimura, a histroic museum in Miayagi, Ishinomori Manga Museum, dedicated to the manga artist Ishinomori from Miyagi, Naruko Onsen, a hot spring in Miyagi, Shizugawa Bay in Miyagi, Akihoh Waterfall in Miyagi, Izunuma and Uchinuma Lakes, Mount Kurikoma and Abukuma Gorge, Mount Zao in Miyagi
Sisterhood & Firendship Provinces/Cities
  • Jilin Province, China (June 1, 1987)
  • Lazio Region, Italy (October 8, 2001)
  • Delaware, USA (September 10, 1997)

Economic Status

무라이 요시히로(村井 嘉浩) 경제상황
Category Contents
  • GRDP (nominal):JPN 9,485,200,000,000 (2020)
  • Per capita income:JPN 2,803,000 (2020)
  • Budget: JPA 179,200,000,000 (2023)
Industry Industrial structure(as of 2015): Primary Industry 1.7%, Secondary Industry 35.8%, Tertiary Industry 62.5%
  • Agicultural and Fisheries Products:water parsley, bell peppers(paprika), strawberries, oysters, seaweed, Coho salmon, sea squirts, etc.
  • Industrial Products: food manufacturing, transportation machinery and equipment manufacturing
  • Special Products:Sendai beef, rice, Zunda mochi (rice cake), Kokeshi (traditional wooden dolls), etc.


무라이 요시히로(村井 嘉浩) 기타사항
Category Contents
  • Office:international Policy Division of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Tourism
  • Address: 宮城県仙台市青葉区本町3丁目8番1号
  • Tel:+81-22‐211-2277
  • Fax:+81-268-4639
Website https://www.pref.miyagi.jp