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Background of Establishment

Background of Establishment

From confrontation and conflict to friendliness and cooperation
The world is witnessing more diverse and active exchanges beyond borderlines mainly due to the advances in transportation and communication technologies, the relaxation of political tensions, etc. Now the time has come that no country can sustain national competitiveness and regional development without closer relationship with other regions and countries. The new world order is moving "from confrontation and conflict to friendliness and cooperation".
A new frontier of the world economy - the consolidation of the North East Asia Region
The North East Asia Region composed of China, Mongolia, Japan, South and North Korea and Russia has risen as the third axis of the world economy because the North East Asian Region is now being recognized for its infinite potential. Also, the possibility of joint development of the North East Asia Region is growing. This is based upon active mutual exchanges and collaborative activities in diverse fields such as culture, university studies, economics, the environment and tourism based upon close historical and geographical proximity.
Rising as an international organization of exchange and collaboration of North East Asia in the 21st century
In order to cope actively with the changes of the times and to pursue mutual prosperity and development in the 21st century, it is necessary to establish an organization that will include the North East Asia Region and take the initiative in exchange and collaboration in the North East Asia Region.

Process of Establishment

  • It started at the North East Asia Regional Convention with local leaders from China, Japan, Korea, and Russia in Shimane (Matsue) of Japan in 1993.
  • The 2nd Convention in Hyogo (Izushi) of Japan in 1994 and the 3rd Convention in Khaberovsk of Russia in 1995 clarified the necessity to establish a permanent organization for North East Asia’s regional governments.
  • In the 1996 Convention in Gyeongsangbuk-do (Province) of Korea, 29 governments from four countries participated and the Association of North East Asia Regional Governments was organized. All members agreed on enacting the “Charter of Association” and became an official international organization.
  • The 2004 Annual Meeting in Heilongjiang of China decided to establish a secretariat in Gyeongsangbuk-do (Province) of Korea.
  • The Secretariat was established in May 2005.
  • The application of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, South Korea, for Extension of Term of office and Long-term Placement of the NEAR Secretariat was approved at the General Assembly held in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China in July 2012.


The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments (NEAR) is an international organization founded in 1996 on a far-reaching vision of seeking joint development of the region as well as contributing to world peace. This vision will be achieved by promoting exchanges and cooperation in the spirit of reciprocity and equity among the regional governments located in Northeast Asia.


  • The emblem represents the bright and prosperous future of Northeast Asia, which is marked in green on a sphere world map that signifies the open global village. The green is to implicate the emergence of the region as the new center of the world in the 21st century. NEAR is the abbreviation for the Association of North East Asia Regional Governments, and the English word NEAR itself has the meaning of close intimacy.
  • The current emblem is a temporary one and a new emblem will be created with the Emblem Creation Committee in 2006. The Emblem Creation Committee’s new emblem will be discussed at the 6th Annual Meeting in September 2006 and will be ratified by all members to be selected as an official emblem.