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Secretary-General JUN Attended the First High-Level Follow-up Dialogue on Financing for Development in Asia and the Pacific2016-03-31


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On March 30 (Wed.), Secretary-General JUN attended the First High-Level Follow-up Dialogue on Financing for Development in Asia and the Pacific. This meeting was co-hosted by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UN ESCAP and was held in Songdo Sheraton Hotel in Incheon, one of the NEAR members. At this meeting, the attendees discussed ways to finance the development for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by UN. About 100 attendees, including high-level officials, such as finance ministers and, presidents of the central banks from over 20 countries, scholars and the representatives of international organizations, were present. Secretary-General JUN discussed with other participants about promoting the role and cooperation of the regional governments in Northeast Asia. He also introduced NEAR to other organizations, such as International Development Bank. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission(UN ESCAP) for Asia and the Pacific is an inter-government body in Asia and the Pacific, taking an important role to promote economic and social development and cooperation. All 6 countries of NEAR are the members of UN ESCAP.