※ Date: Jul 7, 2009-Jul 10, 2009
※ Venue: Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan (Oaks Canal Park Hotel Toyama)
※ Participants: 15 member organizations from 5 countries, Japan (4; Niigata Prefecture, Toyama Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture), Korea (3; Gangwon-do Province, Chungcheongnam-do Province, Gyeongsangnam-do Province), Russia (2; Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory) 《※ Participated as observer》 China (3; Liaoning Province, Heilongjiang Province, Hunan Province), Korea, (2; Ulsan Metropolitan City, Chungcheongbuk-do), Mongolia (1; Uvurkhangai Province)
(1) Description
① Environmental phenomena and challenges of each local government
Five local governments’ report on environmental phenomena and challenges (Niigata Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, Chungcheongnam-do, Khabarovsk Territory)
② Progress of individual projects of 2009
Each local government reported the progress of four individual projects:
- Metropolitan monitoring system for yellow sand (Toyama Prefecture)
- Northeast Asia regional environmental experience program (Liaoning Province, Toyama Prefecture)
- Coastal Drift Survey in East Sea and Yellow Sea (Toyama Prefecture)
- The 4th International Environment Forum: 'Borderless Nature' (Primorsky Territory)
③ Proposals on individual projects for 2010
Each local government proposed four individual projects to implement in 2010 to introduce overview and request participation:
- The 5th International Environment Forum: 'Borderless Nature' (Primorsky Territory)
- Metropolitan monitoring system for yellow sand (Toyama Prefecture)
- Northeast Asia regional environmental experience program (Toyama Prefecture)
- Coastal Drift Survey in East Sea and Yellow Sea (Toyama Prefecture)
④ Election of new coordinator organization:
- Toyama Prefecture to continue the term as coordinator.
(Term: Jul 13, 2011, extended until Nov 10, 2011 due to deferment of meeting)
(2) Major Accomplishments
① Environmental phenomena and challenges of each local government
The five local governments reported on environmental phenomena and challenges to further understanding on Northeast Asian region’s environmental situations and share common ideas.
② Proposals on individual projects, etc
Shared in-depth opinions on the proposals on individual projects and shared the idea that active proposals and implementation are important to promote regional environmental preservation in Northeast Asia.
* The Main Meeting of the Sub-committee on Environment is held every other year. For the activities of the Sub-committee on Environment in 2010, refer to Resource Room > Misc Resources 'The 2010 Report on the Sub-committee on Environment.'
http://www.neargov.org/app/RequestProcessor?event=SiteDataNoticeList.Click&Main=data§ion=member_data&typeMain=member_data [Resources: Toyama Prefecture]