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Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, Ts. Batbayar, took part in a conference in the city of Taishan (China)2006-10-12



A conference on the questions of development of large and medium scale cities was held in the city of Taishan, Shandong province of China. Representatives from 23 countries, including USA, Japan, Germany, Russia, Italy, Republic of Korea, Brazil, Mongolia, Australia, India, etc., participated in the conference. The aim of the conference was joint search for ways of development and enlarging cooperation between the cities. More than 30 reports were made during the conference.

The capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, which is a medium scale city in terms of population and statistical data of development, was represented by a delegation headed by Ts. Batbayar, city mayor. Ts. Batbayar’s report on architectural plan of Ulaanbaatar, ensuring increase of a standard of living and ecological situation in the city caused big interest among conference participants.

Participants of the conference planted trees on Mount.Tai, one of the 5 most famous mountains of China. Besides, a symbolic monument was opened. The honor to open it was given to the president of Shandong province and the mayor of Ulaanbaatar.