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“Tsuruga-Vladivostok Cruise” Will Take You to the Closest Europe from Japan2012-06-29


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The Pacific Venus cruise will set sail from Tsuruga to Vladivostok on July 25


From the establishment of its first railway in 1882, to the opening of sea lanes to Vladivostok in 1902 and the Eurasian International Railway1 in 1912 linking between its Kanegasaki Station and Tokyo’s Shinbashi Station as the terminus of the railways connecting Europe to the Japan’s heartland, Tsuruga City flourished as a crucial transportation hub and link to Europe in the late 19th century. In commemoration of this history, the Pacific Venus cruise will set sail from Tsuruga to Vladivostok on July 25.

On board, tourists will be introduced to the history of the Eurasian International Railway and the “port of humanity” Tsuruga, which was the only port to welcome Jewish refugees with "life saving visas" in 1940. Also, menus made of fresh and local ingredients produced in Fukui Prefecture, the birthplace of the Koshihikari rice brand, will be served as well. Come to Fukui and experience one of the best moments of your life!


1 The Eurasian International Railway trains used to make three round trips a week between Tokyo (Shimbashi) and Tsuruga (Kanegasaki) offering direct connection between European countries and Tokyo via the Siberian Railway from 1912 to 1940.