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NEAR Secretary General meets the Vice Governor of Shanxi Province in Xian, Shanxi Province2016-05-20


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NEAR Secretary-General Jun met the Vice Governor of the Department of Commerce, Shanxi Province in Xian, China and discussed ways of increasing opportunities of exchange and trade with member countries through joining NEAR. NEAR Secretary-General Jun stated at the meeting with Vice Governor Yao Yinliang, that Shanxi Province’s membership of NEAR at the General Assembly in September would simulate further exchange among local governments within the region and NEAR would do its utmost to act as a bridge in Northeast Asia. Vice Governor Yao Yinliang responded, “Since Shanxi Province is considered the main platform for the “One Road One Belt” initiative proposed by Xi Jinpingit will carry out an important role for the co-prosperity and mutual development in Northeast Asia. Through NEAR, it is looking forward to having more practical exchanges and relationships internationally.