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Jun Woo-hyun, Deputy Governor of Economy of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, South Korea Visits NEAR Secretariat2019-11-19


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A delegation from Gyeongsangbuk-do Province including Jun Woo-hyun, the deputy governor of economy, visited the NEAR Secretariat and exchanged views on ways to strengthen NEAR’s international contributions by holding a meeting with Secretary General Kim Ok-chae and other executives from the Secretariat.

Secretary General Kim provided details regarding the Secretariat’s endeavor to improve and enhance cooperation and communication since his inauguration. In this regard, Deputy Governor Jun expressed his wishes for Japanese and Korean regional governments to support other developing regional governments corresponding with NEAR’s establishment philosophy for the sake of the prosperity of North East Asian countries.

Deputy Governor Jun, who had worked at Samsung Electronics for over 30 years, demonstrated particular attention and commitment to NEAR by participating in the NEAR General Assembly and International Forum, etc. since he started his new post on August 2018.