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NEAR Secretariat Appoints Former South Korean Consul-General in Shenyang Lim Byoung-jin as Promotional Ambassador and Holds Meeting for Promotional Ambassadors on May 102021-05-11


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NEAR Secretary General Kim Ok-chae appointed Lim Byoung-jin as a promotional ambassador to China on May 10. Mr. Lim formerly served as the Minister to the Korean Embassy in China and the South Korean Consul-General in Shenyang. 

Furthermore, the Secretariat invited promotional ambassadors Yang Gye-hwa (former South Korean Consul-General in Sendai) and Kim Kyoung-Ho (former South Korean Minister to Russia) to hold a meeting with NEAR Secretariat staff.

Secretariat staff had a meaningful time with the team of former diplomats who have compiled a wealth of work experience in China, Japan, and Russia. Discussions were held on ways to develop NEAR, including the role of regional governments in supporting public diplomacy.